Benefits of Online Booking

Benefits of Online Booking

Consumers have been changing their behavior and the way they book services for some time, whether it is travel, leisure, beauty, health/wellness, etc. It goes without saying that the advent of e-commerce and the strengthening of data and payment security have gone through this. Few today never buy anything online. And since we buy online, well, we also book online!

If you work on a reservation or appointment, you’ve certainly realized it. Of course, you will always have customers who would prefer to pick up their phone to make an appointment and there is nothing wrong with that. That said, a majority of customers of all ages will prefer online booking if you offer them this service, thanks to a solution like MyRezApp for example.

Why do your customers prefer to book online? There are many reasons for this and today we are giving you three.

  1. Your customers do almost everything on the Internet

Nowadays, customers are very knowledgeable and generally know exactly what they want. They do not hesitate to do extensive research and compare it through the web. So, if they find services that suit them on your website, they will want 🙂 to book them, this is the logical next step and it is at this point that the added value of an online booking system is felt!

If an online booking is not possible, these potential customers will call you hoping to have someone on the phone – which is not always the case, you or your team can sometimes be very busy, especially if the call falls in the middle of a “rush”, they will express their wishes in terms of date/time and you will then tell him if it is possible, with counter-proposal if it is not.

On the other hand, if you have an online booking module on your website, users can directly view your availability and thus reserve the slot that suits them best, with just a few clicks. And these 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unlike the phone! There’s no denying it, it’s still much more convenient.

  1. Who says online booking, says booking at any time of the day or night, wherever you are

It must be said, the major drawback of booking by phonies that it depends on your opening hours (fortunately you are entitled to rest, like everyone else!). On the other hand, your clients, in most cases, work during the day (like you) and have little time to take care of their personal affairs during those hours. You see what we’re getting at… It’s not always easy to match your calendars!

This constraint no longer exists with online booking since the Internet abolishes space-time limits. If your client wants to make an appointment at 11:00 p.m., comfortably seated on his couch or at 7:00 a.m. On the bus, nothing prevents him! With an online booking solution like MyRezApp, customers can book at any time, from any device (PC, mobile, tablet).

  1. Booking online means autonomy for your customers

One of the underestimated aspects of the rise of online booking is the sense of autonomy and control it provides to customers in their purchasing process. Customers want to be free to make their own decisions, without necessarily having to rely on the intervention of a third party, you, in this case.